Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Beginning

So this is where everything crazy in my life begins! October 14th, 2007 I married my very handsome husband Keegan! We had a very few, very romantic couple of months and found out I was pregnant with our son in February and that we were due October 13th, pretty funny. That is when my life truly changed for the good and I became a mom, now my full time profession. It wasn't long, a year and 1 month later that we were pregnant again and this time with a girl. Before all this my life consisted of gardening, working out, going out, and going to school. Now my life consist of cooking, cleaning, bathing, feeding, changing diapers, trying to keep up with my fitness, and oh yeah cleaning up after and feeding three dogs! Lets not forget somewhere squeezed in there is trying to spend "adult time" with my husband. Because I have no time to socialize with any adults, I have fallen victim to posting and checking facebook throughout the day. I have become annoyed with all my posting about children and recipes on facebook myself so decided to start this blog to keep track of all those cute, and not so cute things my children do throughout the day and my excitement over finding a new recipe, you know the things only true stay at home moms would be excited about. That was cute me then before children a whole 108 pounds, this is me and my family now:
This was taken after my daughter Colbie's baptism. So this is us Christy, Keegan, Kameron, and Colbie, my very adorable family!

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