It's been awhile since I have done a post I've just been so busy and stepped up my running so super exhausted as well. My kids Easter was filled with a dangerous amount of candy. My neighbors, in-laws, and parents went wild when it came to the "Easter Bunny." I'm not exaggerating, 8 baskets and 5 zip lock bags full of chocolate, gummy bears, and jelly beans, also 6 chocolate bunnies to go along with that. Next year I plan on Easter outfits, movies, and books for this Easter Bunny to kindly donate to my children. All the candy is hidden in closets throughout the house and I really have no idea what we are going to do with all of it.
Getting back to food! I made the most adorable candy coated ducks and strawberries ever for my kids baskets, of course they didn't live up to all the store bought candy so the adults munched on those, but they were delish. I also plan on trying different colors and shapes for other holidays.
This is what you need:
1 bag yellow candy coating (get at local craft store)
1 bag pretzel twists
small tube black frosting gel
candy coated orange sunflower seeds (I used left over orange candy coat from my strawberries)
1) Melt candy coating 1 minute in the microwave at 50% power, stir, then return to microwave for 30 seconds at a time on 50% power, stirring after every 30 seconds until candy is all melted.
2) Spoon melted candy over pretzel, stick into freezer until hardened, about 10 minutes.
3) When hard add the nose and eye.
Candy Carrots (aka strawberries)
This is what you need:
1 container strawberries
1 bag orange candy coating
1) Melt candy in microwave same as above.
2) Dip completely dry strawberries in candy and stick in freezer until hardened.
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