Monday, March 5, 2012

After the Weekend Comes... Monday Morning

So this weekend was another one full of craziness and absolutely no relaxing for this family! This Monday morning was kicking my ass, hence the word was... I actually perked up after my incredible "green" breakfast and I guess a couple cups of coffee helped. I did it! I added Spinach to my Coconut Vanilla Chai Milkshake and the result was absolutely fantastic-licious! That got me excited!!!
Coconut Vanilla Chai Recipe
2 C Fresh Spinach

Before I decided to make myself this super breakfast my house was in total chaos. My son was throwing one of the worst tantrums ever and I was about to pull every single hair out of my head! Ahhhhh! So as I was ignoring this tantrum and trying to keep my cool I decided that my house needed some soothing scents to get these kids settled down so I pulled together some ingredients I got from another blogger and simmered it on the stove.
The smell in delightful and luckily I had all ingredients on hand:

Some Rosemary from the Garden
A Lemon Sliced
2 tsp Vanilla

Now my children are this:
And I'm happy momma with the cutest kids on the planet again!

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