Thursday, March 29, 2012


This weekend we are taking my 3 year old son on his first camping trip. I feel really bad for my parents because my baby doll has been acting crazy these days and we are leaving her behind solo for the first time. She has hit the stage I can not stand. Too young to know what is wrong and doesn't quite understand any form of punishment, at least I think she doesn't. She is a smart girl and she always has this look after she hits me or demands candy in the morning, like what are you gonna do about it, lip turned up and eyes wide filled with tears. I remember my son hitting this stage and it just happened to be when I was 9 months pregnant. At least I'm not putting any other humans at risk when I receive a swift kick in the belly when she wants to run wild through the grocery store. 

Back to the camping, I really have been pulling my hair out this week, the kids have really been driving me bonkers! I'm double excited about the camping trip because I looked up campfire recipes and excited to try them out and love camping. Pizza on a taco shell, jiffy style pop corn, easy corn on the cob, and campburritos just to name a few. Ugh girls are so sweet and evil at the same time, she is cuddling me while I type and melting my heart, she just got done screaming at me for 30 minutes, for what, I'm not quite sure. Stay tuned for the post camp review!

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